Watchman Willie Martin Archive

There are thousands of White, Black, Mexican and Asian children missing every year in America and in the other Christian Nations of the Western World. Do you know where many of them go?

Many of them are shipped to foreign countries to be turned into prostitutes by the jews and many of them are killed, their blood drained, and the blood is shipped to New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Paris, and especially the Zionist state known as Israel.

Their blood is dried into a powder and then used in making their Haman cakes and cookies; some of the blood is mixed with wine and drank at other Jewish religious rituals.

This is why the jews have been run out of almost every country in Europe at one time or another. And they were brought back, not because the people wanted them, but because the rulers wanted them to collect taxes, among other things.

Expulsions of Jews from Host Nations: 1). A.D. 250, Carthage; 2). 415, Alexandria; 3). 554, Diocese of Clement (France); 4). 561, Diocese of Uzzes (France); 5). 612, Visigoth Spain; 6). 642, Visigoth Empire; 7). 855, Italy; 8). 876, Sens; 9). 1012, Mayence; 10). 1181, France; 11). 1290, England; 12). 1306, France; 13). 1348, Switzerland; 14). 1349, Hielbronn (Germany); 15). 1349, Hungary; 16). 1388, Strasbourg; 17). 1394, Germany; 18). 1394, France; 19). 1422, Austria; 20). 1424, Fribourg & Zurich; 21). 1426, Cologne; 22). 1432, Savory; 23). 1438, Mainz; 24). 1439, Augsburg; 25). 1446, Bavaria; 26). 1453, Franconis; 27). 1453, Breslau; 28). 1454, Wurzburg; 29). 1485, Vincenza (Italy); 30). 1492, Spain; 31). 1495, Lithuania; 32). 1497, Portugal; 33). 1499, Germany; 34). 1514, Strasbourg; 35). 1519, Regensburg; 36). 1540, Naples; 37). 1542, Bohemia; 38). 1550, Genoa; 39). 1551, Bavaria; 40). 1555, Pesaro; 41). 1559, Austria; 42). 1561, Prague; 43). 1567, Wurzburg, Genoese Republic; 44). 1569, Papal States; 45). 1571, Brandenburg; 46). 1582, Netherlands; 47). 1593, Brandenburg, Austria; 48). 1597, Cremona, Pavia & Lodi; 49). 1614, Frankfort; 50). 1615, Worms; 51). 1619, Kiev; 52). 1649, Ukraine; 53). 1654, LittleRussia; 54). 1656, Lithuania; 55). 1669, Oran (North Africa); 56). 1670, Vienna; 57). 1712, Sandomir; 58). 1727, Russia; 59). 1738, Wurtemburg; 60). 1740, LittleRussia; 61). 1744, Bohemia; 62). 1744, Livonia; 63). 1745, Moravia; 64). 1753, Kovad (Lithuania); 65). 1761, Bordeaux; 66). 1772, Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia); 67). 1775, Warsaw; 68). 1789, Alace; 69). 1804, Villages in Russia; 70). 1808, Villages & Countrysides (Russia); 71). 1815, Lubeck & Bremen; 72). 1815, Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria; 73). 1820, Bremes; 74). 1843, Russian Border Austria & Prussia; 75). 1862, Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction; 76). 1866, Galatz, Romania; 77). 1919, Bavaria (foreign born Jews); 78). 1938-45, Nazi Controlled Areas; 79). 1948, Arab Countries.

The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, page 653, published in 1904, says,

"The fact, therefore, now generally accepted by critical scholars, is that in the last days of the kingdom, human sacrifices were offered to Yhwh (Yahu, or Jehovah), as King of Counselor of the Nation, and that the Prophets disapproved of it."

Yahu also is interchangeable with Baal, the Golden Idol, and Satan, who is thought to have been a minor god of the Jews, and an instrument of Baal. The two themes of Jewish history are blood and gold, and every practice of the Jews is inextricably bound up with these two factors.

One expose of the subject of Ritual Murder was written in great detail by Arnold S. Leese, entitled My Irrelevant Defense on Jewish Ritual Murder, London, 1938. Addressing the issue of sacrifices, Mr. Leese states:

"Let a Jew speak for us here: 'Bernard Lazare, a Jew who was stated (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1904, Vol. VII, p. 650) to be 'without any religious convictions.' wrote what he himself described as 'an impartial study of the history and sociology of the Jews.' calling his book L'Antisemitisme; in the 1904 edition of this, Vol. II, p. 215, he writes, after mentioning the accusations against the Jews of Ritual Murder: 'To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew� was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formulae of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabalistic demonology is very complicated. Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in the operations of sorcery. In Chaldean magic it had a very great importance...Now, it is very probable, EVEN CERTAIN THAT JEWISH MAGICIANS SACRIFICED CHILDREN; hence the origin of the legend of ritual sacrifice.'"

Thus Lazare tries to absolve the Jews of the ritual murder charge by saying that they were guilty, but that it was done from motives of sorcery, rather than as a key element in the practice of the Jewish religion. He apparently has not read the Bible, or noted Isaiah's denunciations of the Jews as sorcerers and murderers of children. Of course the Jews killed children during their rites of sorcery, as Lazare admits, but these horrors were committed as essential rites of the Jewish religion.

Dr. Eric Bischoff, a famous German Jewish scholar, has found the explicit authorization of the practice of Jewish ritual murder in the Thikunne Zohar, Edition Berdiwetsch, 88b, a book of cabalistic ritual, as follows:

"Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done in the lawful (Jewish) method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the (Jews) High God (Satan)."

Murders of Christian children by the Jews usually occur during the important feast-days, Purim, one month before Easter, and Passover, at Easter. Jewish law prescribes that the gentile victim at Purim, a Jewish holiday as the Jewish victory over the gentiles, may be an adult.

Also if no gentile victim can be obtained, dried blood from a previous victim may be used. However, a Jewish law is quite specific that the victim at Passover must be a White Child (as the Whites are the True Israelites, and the Jews know it) under seven years of age, who must be bled white, crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed, and finally given the last blow by being wounded in the side, the dagger prescribed to be in the hands of a rabbi, in a complete re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ.

This vindictive ceremony reassures the Jews that even if a few of the gentiles are alerted to the nature of this people, as Christ talked against them, the Jews will always win out by murdering the critic. Consequently, many critics of the Jews are slain in these terrible ceremonies.

In the United States, perhaps the most famous victim of Jewish ritual murder was the son of Charles Lindbergh, on March 1, 1932, during the time of the annual Jewish celebration. Lindbergh's son was chosen because Lindbergh himself was the most logical person to lead the gentiles against the Jews.

His son was slain as a warning to him to decline this service. Lindberg's father, a Congressman, had led the fight against Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb Co., when Warburg succeeded in getting a subservient Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act.

The elder Lindbergh had published a book which was burned by Federal agents during World War I, even though he was a Congressman at the time. He was well aware of the nature of the Jewish problem. Now that his son was a world-famous man, after his feat of flying alone across the Atlantic, the Jews feared that he might be persuaded to lead a gentile revolt against their power.

They had already planned World War II, in which Germany was to be the sacrificial victim, and now they brought in an almost illiterate German, Gerhart Hauptmann, and convicted him of the killing. Symbolically, Hauptmann, like Christ, was also a carpenter, a profession which made him a logical victim for the Jews.

Hauptmann's defense was that a Jew named Isidor Fisch had hired him to do some carpenter work, and had paid him with the bills which proved to be from the Lindbergh ransom money. Although the existence of Fisch was proven, he could not be located during the trial.

The court was like the one which had convicted Jesus, for it only accepted evidence which the Jews allowed to be presented. In reality, of course, one cannot believe anything which is accepted as evidence in an American court, due to the facility of the Jews for manufacturing evidence and due to the prevalence of Jewish lawyers and judges in all American court rooms. This was also the first of many efforts of the Jews to vilify the Germans so that America would be more easily deceived into fighting a Jew's war.

A book entitled The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam, indicates that the Talmudic god of the Jews [Not the God of Christians] is a blood loving god:

"The Talmud declares that there are two kinds of blood pleasing to the lord, viz: (1) that of Paschal holocaust [Easter sacrifice & the Feast of Purim]; (2) that of circumcision."

According to The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. IV., p. 90, when performing the operation of circumcision on children, the mohel (Jewish Rabbi who does the circumcision):

"takes some wine in his mouth and applies his lips to the part involved in the operation, and exerts suction, after which he expels the mixture of wine and blood into a receptacle provided."

Among the Jews themselves, the blood rite is an integral part of the ceremony of circumcising Jewish males. According to The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, page 99, when performing the circumcision, the mohel, or circumciser,

"takes some wine in his mouth and applies his lips to the part involved in the operation and exerts suction, after which he expels the mixture of wine and blood into a receptacle provided."

What The Jewish Encyclopedia does not tell us is that this mixture of wine and blood is then drunk by the rabbi, as a great delicacy. No other people in the world today enacts such a weird blood rite, save, perhaps, some Stone-Age natives in the deepest jungles of the Congo or New Guinea.

Hatred of Christianity is a tradition among the Jews. One of the principle feast-days is that of Purim. This feast is an orgy of hate against Haman, the story of whom is found in the Book of Esther of the Old Testament, the only Jewish book in the entire Bible.

The story, is that Xeroxes, King of Persia, became enamored with a Jewess, Esther a prostitute, and made her Queen in place of his rightful wife. Haman, the King's minister, complained to him of the conduct of the Jews who, he said, did not keep the laws of the land, and obtained from the King an order to slay them.

Esther pleaded with the King and prevailed upon him to summon Haman to a banquet. There, Queen Esther further prevailed upon the King to spare the Jews and hang Haman on a gallows prepared for the execution of her guardian. Instead of the Jews being destroyed, their enemies were slaughtered, including Haman's ten sons, who were hanged.

This feast is often celebrated by an exhibition of gluttony, intoxication, and curses on the memory of Haman; and even to this day the Jewish bakers make cakes, laced with dried Christian blood, in the shape of human ears which are eaten by the Jews on this day, and are called "Haman's Ears," revealing once again the inherent hate and barbarism of the Jews in our midst.

When a Ritual Sacrifice occurs at Purim, it is usually that of an adult Christian who was murdered for his blood; the blood is then dried and the powder mixed into triangular cakes for eating; it is possible that the dried blood of a Purim Sacrifice might sometimes be used for the following Passover.

When a Ritual Sacrifice is done at Passover, it is usually that of a Christian child under seven years old, as perfect a specimen as possible, who is not only bled white, but crucified, sometimes circumcised and crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed, and sometimes finished off by wounding in the side in imitation of the murder of Christ. The blood taken from the child is then mixed either in the powdered state or otherwise into the Passover bread.

Another festival at which Ritual Sacrifice has sometimes been indulged in is Chanucah (Which is called Hanukkah today) which occurs in December, commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem under the Maccabees in B.C. 165.

Although hate is the principal motive, superstitious traditions are also involved, one being the association of blood-sacrifices with the idea of atonement; some Jews have confessed that Jewry cannot be saved unless every year the blood of a Christian is obtained for the purpose of ritual consumption.

The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, pp. 266-267, gives a list of Accusations of Ritual Murder (Sacrifices) made against the Jews through the centuries; 122 cases are listed in chronological order, and no less than 39 of them were made in the 19th century!

There were far more than double the number of Blood Accusations made in the 19th century than in any previous century, according to this authoritative Jewish list.

The list of Ritual Murder Accusations made by a converted Jew, Cesare Algranati, in 1913, and published in Cahiers Romains; there are listed 101 accusations, or which 28 were made in the 19th century and only 73 for all the eight preceding centuries! Even the Jew Roth gives the argument away, for he says:

"The nineteenth century proved little less credulous than those which proceeded it." (Ritual Murder Libel and The Jew, 1935)

The fact that the charges increase in number as the age becomes more and more enlightened is particularly significant, because the Jewish Money Power and its silencing activities are more developed than ever before and has been instrumental in reducing the number of charges by covering them up.

It is absolutely amazing that there are always influential Judeo-Christian men/women who can be induced, when Jewish interests are at stake, will declare to all the world that there is nothing improper in not attempting to examine these charges of Ritual Sacrifice by the Jews; and to declare them as lies by "Anti-Semitic" authors.

�Just as it is impossible for the lamb to abandon its frisking and leaping, or the serpent its stinging, so the Jew cannot abandon his lust for murdering Christians whenever he can.� (Martin Luther, Table Talk Erlanger eidition, Vol. 62"

Yet the record is clear if one is inclined to study and learn. Following are few such examples:

"Then the Jews in Cyrene (on the modern Tripoli coast of North Africa) choosing as their leader one Andreas, slew the Romans and Greeks, and devoured their bodies, drank the blood, clothed themselves in the flayed skins, and sawed many in half from the head downwards; some they threw to wild beasts and others were compelled to fight in single combat, so that in all 220,000 were killed. In Egypt they did many similar things, also in Cyprus, led by one of them named Artemion; and there another 240,000 were slain." (From the account of Dio Cassius in the 78th Book of his history, dated A.D. 117, Chapter 32)

The second:

"Baena (Cordoba Province): Ninety-one assassinations, mostly by shooting, hatchet blows, or strangling. Others were burned alive. Two nuns who had been dragged from the convent of the Mother of God, had their religious medals, with the figure of the Virgin, nailed into the sockets of their eyes.

�La Campana (Seville): Reds, led by a woman, Concepcion Velarde Caraballo, who either killed or was responsible for killing 11 persons in prison. The prisoners were fired on until they fell, covered with petrol, and set on fire. Some were still writhing in the flames when the city was entered. Lore del Rio (Seville): 138 assassinated. They were dragged to the cemetery, lined up, and shot in the legs, being burned alive as they fell in a trench. When the town was entered hands could still be seen writhing above the ground." (From the Daily Mail, 17th September (describing the horrors of the Red Revolution in Spain, A.D. 1936)

From The Magick, in Paris, France:

" was the theory of the ancient (Jewish) magicians that any living being is a storehouse of energy varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal (non-Jews), and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is liberated suddenly. The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape...For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A (Christian) male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." (Magick, by Master Therion, published in 1929 by the Lecram Press, Paris, France)

A footnote on p. 95 says: "(4) It appears from the Magical Records of (the Jew) Frater Perdurabo that he made this particular sacrifice on an average about 150 times every year between 1912 and 1928."

Even today the Jewish sects who keep the Passover by solar computation, indulge in these bloody sacrifices of Christians on that feast-day; an account is given of a visit to the scene of sacrifice on Mount Gerizim in this century, and these words were used: "I have heard the wild, primitive scream of triumph as the knife is withdrawn from the neck of the (Christian) lamb of sacrifice."

A paragraph from The B'nai B'rith Messenger, 1936:

"The sophisticated Pharisee (Jew) of the 20th century unceasingly gives thanks that he has outgrown the fables and rituals of the Ancients. The worldly-wise man loves the evident and is exasperated by that which is not evident. Plutocrat and proletarian alike regard themselves a victimized by that person whose words or actions they do not understand. We love the obvious because it flatters us, and hate the mysterious because it damns our intelligence with faint praise. Riddles are irksome. (Which is why Christ always spoke in parables when speaking before the Jewish Pharisees. They did not like it, did not understand the parables and He knew it)

�The modern cry is for facts. Yet, with facts for his fetish, the modernist is more foolish than his forebears. Decrying superstition, he is most superstitious; rejecting fancies, he is the fanciful product of a fictitious age. The modern world is bored with its own importance; life itself has become a botheration. Suffering from chronic ennui, how can a world ever become interested in anything but itself?

�Smothered in their self-complacency, these all-sufficient ones ask for facts. But what facts are there that fools can understand? How can the helpless superficial grasp the hopelessly profound, for are not realities reserved for the wise (Jews)?"

Although this paragraph is clothed in nonsense it is a picture of a Ritual Sacrifice, with the victim crucified. And is merely showing the contempt the Jew has for Christians because they cannot understand this type of wording.

Following in chronological order, where the death of the victim is perpetrated by the Jews; and in light of the show by Ophra Winfry in 1989 we can clearly see that there many cases of Ritual Sacrifice by Jews have been unsuspected and undiscovered up to today, 1995, and will continue for years to come.

The earliest of historians, Herodotus, Informs us about the Jewish cult of human sacrifice. He writes:

�The Jews sacrificed humans to their god Moloch.� (Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 45)

Christ said to the Jews:

�Your father was a murderer from the beginning.�

By this He meant Moloch-Jahweh, the supreme Jewish devil. Also the prophets Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 7:30-31, Ezekiel 26:26-30, and Micah 6:7 reproached the Jews for the abominable offerings. Isaiah said:

�You enflame yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the cliffs of the rocks!�

135. "There is no doubt that the...Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands A TERRIBLE MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS TOOK PLACE, AND THE JEWS ARE ACCUSED OF HAVING TAKEN THE LEAD IN THIS MASSACRE." (A History of Palestine from 135 A.D. to Modern Times, James Parkes, p. 81; The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, p. 194)

King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering of the temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret chamber who begged the king to rescue him. He had been lured into the temple and held captive.

When he began to beg, the attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice human-beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a ditch. (Josephus, Jewish historian, contra Aplonem)

418. Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy by the Jews at Imm, between Aleppo and Antioch.

419. In the Syrian district of Imnestar between Chaleis and Antioch, the Jews tied a Christian boy to a cross on a holiday and flogged him to death. (Socrat)

614. After the conquest of Jerusalem the Jews purchased, for a small amount of money, 90,000 prisoners from the Persian King Chosros II and murdered them all in the most disgusting ways. (Cluverius, Epitome his. P. 386)

614. "I am gong to show that real religious persecution is uniquely Jewish...IN THE TIME OF JUSTINIAN, IN THE SIXTH CENTURY, THE JEWS MASSACRED CHRISTIANS IN CAESAREA AND DESTROYED THEIR CHURCHES. When Stephanus, the governor attempted to defend the Christians, the Jews fell on him and slew him. In 608 A.D., THE JEWS OF ANTIOCH FELL UPON THEIR CHRISTIAN NEIGHBORS AND KILLED THEM WITH FIRE AND SWORD...About 614 A.D., the Persians advanced upon Palestine and THE JEWS, after joining their standard, MASSACRED THE CHRISTIANS AND DESTROYED THEIR CHURCHES...NINETY THOUSAND CHRISTIANS PERISHED IN JERUSALEM ALONE." (The International Jew, Henry Ford (1922), pp. 171, 173; Who is Esau-Edom? Charles A. Weisman, p.100)

711. Another famous betrayal of a country by its Jews took place in Spain. In his History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 109, Professor Graetz relates:

"The Jews of Africa, who at various times had emigrated thither from Spain, and their unlucky co-religionists of the Peninsula, made common cause with the Mohammedan conqueror, Tarik, who brought over from Africa into Andalusia an army eager for the fray. After the battle of Xeres (July, 711 A.D.), and the death of Frederic, the last of the Visigothic kings, the victorious Arabs pushed onward, and were everywhere supported by the Jews.

�In every city that they conquered, the Moslem generals were able to leave but a small garrison of their own troops, as they had need of every man for the subjection of the country; they therefore confided them to the safekeeping of the Jews. In this manner the Jews, who but lately had been serfs, now became the masters of the towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others. When Tarik appeared before the capital, Toledo, he found it occupied by a small garrison only, the nobles and clergy having found safety in flight.

�While the Christians were in church, praying for the safety of their country and religion, the Jews flung open the gates to the victorious Arabs (Palm Sunday, 712 A.D.), receiving them with acclamations, and thus avenged themselves for the many miseries which had befallen them in the course of a century since the time of Reccared (The 'miseries' which the Jews claimed prompted them to treason was explained by Professor Graetz. King Reccard 'the most oppressive of all was the restraint touching the possession of slaves. Henceforward the Jews were neither to purchase Christian slaves nor to accept them as presents.')(History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 46) and Sisebut (The 'miseries' of King Sisebut was that he was annoyingly determined to convert them to Christianity. History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 46)). The capital also was entrusted by Tarik to the custody of the Jews, while he pushed on in pursuit of the cowardly Visigoths, who had sought safety in flight, for the purpose of recovering from them the treasure which they had carried off.

�Finally when Musa Ibn-Nosair, the Governor of Africa, brought a second army into Spain and conquered other cities, he also delivered them into the custody of the Jews." (History of the Jews, Professor Graetz, Vol. III, p. 109; The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, pp. 194-195)

1144 A.D. Norwich: A twelve-year-old Christian boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree.

A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this year to Norwich. The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to trial. (Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm, London, Winchester and Oxford)

There is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder and Sacrifice of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of the Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Sacrifice. ( J.C. Cox's Norfolk Churches, Vol. II, p. 47; Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II)

The Jew, C. Roth stated, in reference to this case: "Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives." (The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935), C. Roth)

How these so-called enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all those years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a compliment to the Church to suggest that its ministers would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that the wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. John Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Church records this Ritual Sacrifice, as did the Bollandists and other historians.

The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice. In The Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew) it is made clear that his career, apart from this Ritual Sacrifice, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage.

1160. Gloucester: The body of a Christian child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. (Recorded in Monumental Germania Historia, Vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronican, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46)

1171. Blois, France: At Passover, a Christian child was crucified, his body drained of blood and thrown into the river. (Monumenta Germania Historica, VI, 520; Magd. Cent. 12, c. 14 and 13, c. 14)

"It is not unnaturally claimed by Western Jews that Russian Jewry, as a whole, is most bitterly opposed to Bolshevism. Now although there is a great measure of truth in this claim, SINCE THE PROMINENT BOLSHEVIKS, WHO ARE PREPONDERANTLY JEWISH, do not belong to the orthodox Jewish Church, it is yet possible, without laying ones self open to the charge of antisemitism, to point to the obvious fact that Jewry, as a whole, has, consciously or unconsciously, worked for and promoted an international economic, material despotism which, with Puritanism as an ally, has tended in an ever‑increasing degree to crush national and spiritual values out of existence and substitute the ugly and deadening machinery of finance and factory.

�It is also a fact that Jewry, as a whole, strove with every nerve to secure, and heartily approved of, the overthrow of the Russian monarchy, WHICH THEY REGARDED AS THE MOST FORMIDABLE OBSTACLE IN THE PATH OF THEIR AMBITIONS and business pursuits.

�All this may be admitted, as well as the plea that, individually or collectively, most Jews may heartily detest the Bolshevik regime, yet it is still true that the whole weight of Jewry was in the revolutionary scales against the Czar's government. It is true their apostate brethren, who are now riding in the seat of power, may have exceeded their orders; that is disconcerting, but it does not alter the fact.

�It may be that the Jews, often the victims of their own idealism, have always been instrumental in bringing about the events they most heartily disapprove of; that perhaps is the curse of the Wandering Jew." (W.G. Pitt River, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, p. 39,

Blackwell, Oxford, 1921; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 134‑135)

1179. Pontoise: A Christian boy named Richard was tortured, crucified and bled white. Philip Augustus's chaplains and historians, Rigord and Guillaume l'Armorician, attested this case. The body of the boy was taken to the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris and he was canonized as St. Richard. (Acta, Vol. III, March, 591; Magd. Cent., 23, c. 14; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; and Cosm. Munst., 23, c. 14. Rob. Of Turn., Rig. U. Guillel. Amor)

1180. Paris. (UJE - Universal Jewish Encyclopedia)

(From this point on we will use the letters UJE - Listed in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, instead of continually writing it out)

1181. Bury St. Edmunds: A Christian child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause 'miracles.' (Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury. Acta sancta, III March Vol. 591); E. Bristol. (UJE)

1181. In Saragossa, A Christian child named Dominico was murdered by the Jews. (Blanca Hispania Illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191. The Jews of Braisme crucified a Christian who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this eighty of them were burned by King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme. (Rigordus, Hist. Gail)

1192. Braisne: Philip Augustus attended to this case personally, and had the criminals burnt. It was a case of the crucifixion of a Christian sold to the Jews by Agnes, Countess of Dreux, who considered him guilty of homicide and theft. (Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, IV, 1 st part, p. 72, Paris, 1865, by A. de Jubainville; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; Gauin, L. 6, De Francis; Magd. Cent., 12, c. 14, col. 1670)

1220. In Weissenburg in Alace on 29th of June, a boy, St. Heinrich, was murdered by the jews. (Murer, Helveta sancta)

1225. In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235. A Christian child was murdered and drained of his blood by the Jews on December 1st in Erfurt. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1235. Norwich: In this case, the Jews stole a Christian child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates (1847), says: "They (the Jews) circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks." (Huillard Breolles, Grande Chronique, III, 86. Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m 23)

1236. In Hagenau in Alsace, three Christian boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1238. Fulda, Hesse-Nassan: Five children murdered; Jews confessed under torture, but said the blood was wanted for healing purposes. Frederick II exonerated the Jews from suspicion, but the Crusaders had already dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Sacrifice exists or not. (Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, c. 24)

1239. A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron)

1240. In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Christian child and kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a long search the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, V. 39)

1244. London: In St. Benedict�s churchyard in London, the corpse of a boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places, Jewish characters. He had been drained. Baptized jews, forced to interpret the Jewish signs, found the name of the child�s parents and read that the child had been sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the city in secret. The Catholic church venerated the Martyr under the name of St. Paul. (Social England, Vol. I, p. 407, edited by H.D. Traill)

1247. Valreas, France: Just before Easter, a two-year-old Christian girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed that they wanted the blood of the child, but did not say that it was for ceremonial purposes. Pope Innocent IV said that three of the Jews were executed without confessing, (but the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 261, says they confessed)

1250. Saragossa: The Jews of Saragossa adopted the horrible dogma that everyone who delivered a Christian child for sacrifice would be freed from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (also called Albajucetto) delivered the 7 year old Dominico del Val to the Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. A Lent, Schedias, hist. De pseudomes, judaeorum, p. 33)

1255. Lincoln: A Christian boy called Hugh was kidnaped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy's mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Joppin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his life if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed. (Henry III, 39, m. 2, 7.10 1255; 39, m. 2, 14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.II, 1255; 40, m. 13, 13.3.1256; 42, m. 6, 19.6.1258. Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40, m. 20, 26.II.1255; 40, m. 19, 9.12.1255; 40, 27.3.1256; and 40, m. 5, 20.8.1256)

1257. So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews of London butchered a Christian child. (Cluvirius, epitome historiarum p. 541, Col. 1)

1260. The Jews of Weissenburg killed a Christian child. (Annal. Colmariens)

1261. Pforzheim, Baden: An old woman sold a seven-year-old Christian girl to the Jews, who bled her, strangled her and threw the body into the river. The old woman was convicted on the evidence of her own daughter. A number of Jews were condemned to death, two committing suicide. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, p. 838; Rohrbacher, L'Histoire Universelle de l'Englise Catblique, Vol. XVIII, pp. 697-700; Thos. Cantipranus, De ratione vita, Vol. II, xxix)

1279. Northampton: A Christian child crucified. "They (the Jews) crucify a child at Northampton for which 50 are drawn at horses' tails and hanged." (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1847, Reiley, Memorials of London, p. 15; H. Desportes, Le Mystere du Sang)

1279. The most respectable Jews of London crucified a Christian child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worchester, Chron. 222)

1282. In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him all over his body. (Rader., Bavar, sancta I. Bd. P. 315)

1283. A Christian child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz, who killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von Colmar)

1286. In Munich the jews martyred two boys. The wooden synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burned to death. (Murer, Helvetia sancta)

1286. Oberwesel, on the Rhine: A Christian boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. A sculptured representation of this Ritual Sacrifice is still in the Oberwesel Church. (Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1521, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug., Magd. Cent., 13, c. 14)

1286. G. Friesland. A Christian child murdered for his blood. (UJE)

1286. In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14 year-old St. Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of 3 days. (Act. Sct. II. Bd. B. Apr. P. 697 bis 740)

1287. Berne: Rudolf, a Christian boy, was murdered at Passover in the house of a rich Jew called Matler. Jews confessed that he had been crucified; many were put to death. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, April; Helvetia sancta (H. Murer); Karl Howard, Die Brunnen zu Bern, 1848, p. 250; Cosm. Munst., 13, p. 482) A stone monument still exists in Berne commemorating the crime. It is called The Fountain of the Child-Devourer, and is now on the Kornhausplatz. It represents a monster, with a Jewish countenance, eating a child. The figure wears the Judenbut, the hat prescribed for the Jews to wear by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council. (Hein. Murer, Helvetia sancta)

1288. Troyes, France: some Jews were tried for a Ritual Sacrifice and 13 were executed by burning. (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267)

1290. Oxford: The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m. 21, 21st June, 1920, contains an order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford. Only one month after this, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the Kingdom. There is, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration for the English.

Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930, a notice was fixed above the shrine which reads as follows:

"The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone. There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stores in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and in the common superstition, now wholly discredited, and that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites.

�Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation." No one who studies the case history questions the historical facts in this case; but the Jews and their Judaised Christians unite in denying the fact of this Ritual Sacrifice.

1292. In Colmar a Christian boy was killed by the jews. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293. In Krems a child was sacrificed by the Jews. Two of the murderers were punished, the others saved themselves through the power of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294. In Bern a child again was killed by the Jews.

1302. In Reneken a Christian child was killed by the Jews. (Ann. Colm., II, 32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1303. At Weisssensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305. In Prague, around Easter, a Christian who was forced by poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross naked, beaten with rods, and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320. In Puy, a Choir-boy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321. In Annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were expelled from the town by a decree of King Phillip V. (Denis de Saint-Mart)

1331. At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh. Vitoduran, Chronik)

1338. A noble from Franconia was butchered by the Jews in Munich. His brother prepared a veritable blood-bath for the Jews. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere Dusang)

1345. In Munich the Jews opened the veins of a little boy Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. Heinrich was canonized by the church. (Rad. Bav. Sct. II p. 333)

1347. In Messina a child was crucified on Good Friday. ( Desportes, Le mystere Dusang)

1349. The Jews wanted to attack and kill the Christians assembled in their church at Rothenburg. A Jew�s maidservant exposed the Jewish murder plot, and the Christians stormed out of their church and killed all the Jews.

1410. In Thuringa the Jews were driven out because of a Ritual Murder that was discovered. (Boll. Ii, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429. At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a Christian boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival (it was the Passover), between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta, sanct., III. Bd, des April, p. 978)

1440. A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a four year old Christian child which was stolen and brought to him by a degenerate goy. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out of a window into the street with the child�s head. The murderer escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judaeorum lib. III. confid. 7)

1452. In Savona several Jews killed a 2 year old Christian child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. The Jews dipped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judaeorum lib. III, confid. 7. Cf also above �The Confession of the Jew Emanuel from Genoa.�)

1453. In Breslau the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in order to draw the child�s blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang 75)

1454. On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews killed a Christian boy. They tore� out his heart and burned it; threw the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter the Jews were banished from Spain. (Alph. Sp., de bello Jud)

1462. Rinn, Innsbruck: A Christian boy called Andreas Oxner was bought by the Jews and sacrificed for his blood on a stone in the forest. The body was found by his mother in a birch-tree. No Jew was apprehended because, the border being near, they had fled when the crime was made known.

The Abbe Vacandard, defender of the Jews, says there was no trial. Well, of course there wasn't. Even in 1995 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy was sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV, in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was "cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ."

This last is admitted by Pope Clemet XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Sacrifices when, as Cardinal Ganganelli, he had been commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV to go into the matter; and in this report, he said:

"I admit the truth of another fact, which happened in the year 1462 in the village of Rinn, in the Diocese of Brixen, in the person of the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ."

No one questions the historical occurrence of this case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Sacrifice still exists in the church.

1468. Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain: The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself a son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name.

Colmenares's History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack's book in defense of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice.

1470. In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a Christian child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar)

1475. Simon of Trent:� "In the year 1475, when the Jews of Trent met in their synagogue on Tuesday in Holy Week, to deliberate preparations for the approaching festival of the Passover, which fell that year on Thursday following, they came to a resolution of sacrificing to their inveterate hatred of the Christian name, some Christian infant on the Friday following, or Good Friday.

A Jewish physician undertook to procure such an infant for the horrid purpose. And while the Christians were at the office of Tenebrae on Wednesday evening, he found a child called Simon, about two years old, whom by caresses and by showing him a piece of money, he decoyed from the door of a house, the master and mistress whereof had gone off to Church, and carried him off.

"The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and

owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are not a race, because they have mingled with the other races to the point that they are only a people, not a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful." (Roman Historian Tacitus)

�On Thursday evening the principal Jews shut themselves up in a chamber adjoining to their synagogue, and at midnight began their cruel butchery of this innocent victim. (Ed. Note, Did not Christ say to the Jews, 'This is your hour, and the power of darkness'). having stopped his mouth with an apron to prevent his crying out, they made several incisions in his body, gathering his blood in a basin.

�Some, all this while, held his arms stretched out in the form of a cross; others held his legs. The child being half dead, they raised him to his feet, and while two of them held him by the arms, the rest pierced his body on all sides with their awls and bodkins. When they saw the child had expired, they sung round it: 'In the same manner did we treat Jesus the God of the Christians; thus may our enemies be confounded forever.'

�The magistrates and parents making strict search after the lost child, the Jews hid it first in a barn of hay, then in a cellar, and at last threw it into a river. But God countered all their endeavors to prevent the discovery of the fact, which being proved upon them, with its several circumstances, they were put to death, the principal actors in the tragedy being broken upon the wheel and burned. The synagogue was destroyed, and a chapel was erected upon the spot where the child was martyred. God honored this innocent victim with many miracles. The relics lie in a stately tomb in St. Peter's Church at Trent; and the name occurs in the Martyrology."

During this ceremony, the Jews identify Christ as the God of the Christians; they do not claim Him as a Jew, as do so many of our so-called Christian religious leaders. Also, they could not conceal the body and hide their crime, for the Talmud forbids the burial of a gentile "beast." As in many such cases of ritual murder, a Jewish physician obtained the gentile victim, because Jewish doctors have many opportunities to steal away gentile children.

There are now many Jewish hospitals in the United States, which are owned and operated by Jewish doctors and nurses. Parents who place their children in these institutions for minor ailments are stunned to be told, a day or two later, that the child has suddenly passed away. IN MANY SUCH CASES, THE CHILD HAS BEEN REMOVED TO A SYNAGOGUE AND MURDERED BY THE PRESCRIBED RITUAL. The bloodless body of the victim is then turned over to the parents. This procedure also obeys the Jewish prohibition against the burial of a gentile, for the Jews simply allow the parents to take care of the burial.

It, therefore, behooves American parents to avoid leaving their children unguarded in the presence of a Jewish physician or placing the child in a hospital run by Jews. Any parent should think twice about abandoning a helpless child to a people which has a history of five thousand years of murdering children under such horrible circumstances.

And any parent should be able to visualize the horror of the handsome, perfectly formed body of the child on which they have lavished such loving care, being stripped and laid down on a table while Jews, their eyes filled with blood lust and hatred of the Christians, gather round the child and pierce its flesh, and drink its blood, and call down curses upon the name of Jesus Christ. Can any parent really wish to place its child in such danger and to have it die in such terrible circumstances?

1476. The Jews in Regensburg murdered six Christian children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480. In Treviso a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed. The murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)

1480. At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a Christian child at Easter. (Acta sa., II Bd. D. Appr)

1485. In Vicenza St. Laurentius was butchered by the Jews. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490. At Guardia near Toledo the Jews crucified a Christian child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. D. April 3)

1494. Tyrnau, Hungary: A Christian boy was bled white and killed. The Jews culprits were betrayed by the confessions of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture, which however were not applied to them. The Jews, arrested after this confession, themselves confessed that this was the fourth child they had killed for the blood, but they said they wanted this for medical purposes. (Bollandists, Acta, April, Vol. II, 838. Banfin Fasti, ungar. Br. III. Dec. 5)

1503. In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4 year old child over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the child that it dies. (Acta sancta. II. Bd. Des Aprilp. 839; Dr. John. Eck, Judenbuchlein)

1505. A murder, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503, was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 81)

1509. The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnaped the Christian child of a wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they shrew his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1, 2)

1510. In Berlin the jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac, Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three or four year old Christian boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large blood rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher Jacob. An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews who were involved in the crime were licked in the Berlin prison.

They partially admitted to having bought Christian children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were sentenced to death by burning after their confession. All the other Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: �The Jews in Berlin.�)

1510. Brandenburg: Several Jews were accused in Berlin of buying a small Christian boy, bleeding him and killing him. They confessed, and 41 were executed. ( Richard Mun, Die Juden in Berlin; Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 126)

1520. The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by murdering a Christian child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525. A Ritual Murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Jewish movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere Du sang 81)

1540. At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4 year old Michael Pisenharter was kidnaped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen. (Raderus, Bavaria sancta, III. Bd. 176f)

1547. At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor�s boy named Michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April p. 839)

1569. In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2 year old son of the widow Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leiptzig. (Acta sancta ebenda)

1571. M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster, Cosmographia)

1573. In Berlin a Christian child who had been purchased from a beggar was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorius p. 53)

1574. At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowtz killed a 7 year old Christian girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover. An inscription and a painting in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Wilna proves that the child�s blood was mixed with flour which was used in the preparation of Easter cakes. At about this time a Christian boy in Zgiobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another Christian boy was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances; both were freed in time. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575. The Jews killed the Christian child Michael of Jacobi. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere Dusang)

1586. In a series of cases Christian children were snatched away from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes Rupert traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier�schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592. At Wlna a 7 year old Christian boy Simon was horribly tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under this finger and toe nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595. At Costyn in Posen a Christian child was tortured to death by the Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597. In Szydlov the blood of a Christian child was used in the consecration of the new synagogue. The eyelids, necks, veins, limbs, and even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598. In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of Podolia, the 4 year old Roman Catholic son of a farmer was stolen by two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the community took part. (Acta sancta. II Bund des April 835)

1650. At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5� year old Mathias Tillich was butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1655. At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a Christian child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665. In Vienna the Jews butchered a Christian woman on the 12th of May in the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack weighted stones. It was completely covered with wounds, decapitated and the legs cut off below the knee. (H.A. von Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669. On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of Glatigny, on September 22nd, a e year old Christian child was stolen from his mother by the jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found viciously mutilated. The murderer was burned alive on January 17th in 1670. (Abridge du proses fait aux Gaffes de Metz, end. 1670)

1670. Metz: As this was a very strongly established case, one does not find any mention of it in Stack's book in defense of the Jews. A three-year-old Christian boy was lost by his mother on the way to a well. The boy was wearing a red cap, and witnesses had seen him carried away by a Jew mounted on a horse. This Jew was Raphael Levi.

At first, the boy's body could not be traced. The Jews, becoming frightened, spread the report that wolves must have killed him in the forest. The forest was searched and eventually the head, neck and ribs of a boy were found, together with clothes which were identified as the missing boy's, red cap and all, by the boy's father. But as these clothes were neither torn nor bloody.

It was concluded that the wolf story was a "blind," and then witnesses came forward who had seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. (La France Jive, by Drummond)

1675. At Miss in Bohemia a 4 year old Christian child was murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta, II. Bd. des April)

1684. In the village of Gordno, Minsk government in Russia, the Jew Schulka stole the 6 year old Christian boy Gabriel and carried him to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at Zabludvo)

1698. Sandomir, Poland: The highest tribunal in the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for Ritual Sacrifice, the local court having exculpated him(Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24, Cecil Roth); P. Zausmer and Kaidan. (UJE)

1748. Duniagrod, Poland: Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. (Cecil Roth, Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew)

1753. Pavalochi, Poland: Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. (Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, Cecil Roth)

1753. Zhytomir, Poland: In this case, a three-year-old Christian boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. (Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25, Cecil Roth)

1753. On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3� year old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnaped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then monstrously sacrificed with the help of rabbi Schmaja. The blood was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court of Kiev)

1764. The 10 year old Christian son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen Ubgeordneten 108)

1791. On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13 year old Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham was found outside a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt. I. d. Archiv. v. Zilah)

1791. At the same time two blood murders were reported at Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the district of Duplin. (Tisza-Eslar, v. e. Ungar. Abgeord)

1791. During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang)

1803. On March 10th the 72 year old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a 2 year 4 month old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchhof near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on March 10th.

The father of the child, who wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue sliced and his mouth full of blood. The district governor of Newstadt at that time was besieged by the Jews until the matter turned out to their satisfaction. The father was forced under threat to sign a protocol, to which the child, still warm when he was found, had frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, �Was glauben die Juden?� Bamberg, 1823)

1804. In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2-3 year old boy was kidnaped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child�s scream. (Dr. J.W. Chillany)

1810. Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor Christian who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Jew Raphael of Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her blood. (A. Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1812. On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had strangled a Christian child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817. The indictment of the murder committed in this year against the little Christian girl Marianna Adamovicz, was quashed due to a lapse of time.

1823. Velisch, Russia: On Easter Sunday, a 2�-year-old Christian boy disappeared. His body was found in a marsh one week later; there were puncture wounds all over the body and the skin was scarified. There were wounds of circumcision; the feet were bloody and a bandage had been tied around the legs.

The body had been undressed, washed, and again dressed. No blood was found near the body, which was drained of blood. Doctors gave evidence on oath that the child had been tortured to death. Some years later, five Jews were arrested together with three Russian women who had become Jewesses; these three women confessed that they had, one week before Passover in 1823, been made drunk by a Jewess who kept an inn and that the latter had bribed one of them to procure a boy. One of these converted Jewesses described how the boy had been forcibly circumcised by the Jews and rolled about in a barrel until his skin was scraped all over.

The boy had been taken to the school where a number of Jews were assembled, laid in a trough, and all present had made stabs with a nail in his side and temples. When the boy died under this torture, his body was taken to a wood by two of the converted Jewesses; and the third woman took a bottle of the blood of the boy to the Jewess innkeeper aforesaid.� Next day,

the Rabbi's wife took the three women again to the school where the Jews were gathered; bottles were filled from the trough by means of a funnel, and the Rabbi dipped a nail into the blood and dropped a little on a number of pieces of cloth, one piece of which was given to everyone present.

The case went to the Imperial Council at St. Petersburg, all the lower courts which dealt with the case having found the Jews guilty. The Imperial Council reversed the verdict and, on 18th January, 1835, the three Russian Jewish convert women were sent to Siberia whilst all the Jews were acquitted of the crime. (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. II, p. 267; also described in Der Sturmer, May, 1934)

1824. In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual purposes.

1826. In Warsaw a murdered 5 year old Christian boy was found whose body had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection; everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been accused. The depositions made to the court, together with the medical evidence, was removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p. 282)

1827. At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer�s child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the 16 year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nacheiner Mitteilung des Gouvernement Vilna)

1829. In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered her husband who was going through the Jewish Quarter with several soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus she was freed, however, the Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem Briefe des Barons von Kalte)

1831. St. Petersburg: The Christian daughter of non-commissioned officer was the victim in this case. There were five judges, of whom four recognized the ritual character of the murder. The Jewish murderers were transported to Siberia. Monniot says the facts of this case were not contested. (Henri Desportes, Le myst. Du sang)

1834. According to the testimonyof the Jewess Ben Noud who converted to Christianity, an old gentile man in Tripoli was tied up by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged froman orange tree by his toes. At the moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le myst. Du sang. P. 91)

1839. On the Island of Rhodes an 8 year old merchant�s boy, who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money power took effect and the court proceedings were delayed and finally supressed. (Henri Desportes, Le myst. Du sang. P. 92)

1839. In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up the arrair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, p. 301)

1837-47. Buffeto, Fiorenzola, Monticelli, and Cortemaggiore, Italy. (UJE)

1840. Rhodes: On the eve of Purim a small Christian Greek boy was missed; he had been seen entering a house in the Jewish quarter; after that he was never seen again. It is interesting to note that the time of this event was the same as in the famous Damascus case.

Yusuf Pasha, Governor of the island, took depositions of witness and sent to Constantinople for instructions as to what to do next. Meanwhile "at the instigation of the Greek clergy and the European consuls" (Admits the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1905, Vol. X, p. 401) the Jewish quarter was blockaded and the leading Jews arrested. The Austrian Consul, however, supported the Jews, Austria being in need of loans from the Rothschilds.

But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void."

The Jews were released. Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore also figured in the Damascus case. Count Camondo "exercised so great an influence over the sultans Abd-al-Majid and Abd-al-Aziz and over the Ottoman Grand Viziers and ministers that his name became proverbial. He was banker to the Ottoman Government..." (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 521)

There cannot be a shadow of doubt that the proceedings in this case were stopped by the force of the Jewish Money Power, in spite of the efforts of �the Greek clergy and the European consuls." (M. P.-N. Hamont in Egypt under Mehemet Ali, and the Jewish Encyclopedia)

"Those other lands were Christian, and they boiled with bigotry. The rulers themselves were more or less tolerant, for they depended upon Jews as their financiers. But the lower classes had no use for them, and butchered them whenever a righteous excuse could be found. And righteous excuses were not wanting. If a plague broke out, of course the Jews had poisoned the wells. If a war was lost, of course the Jews had aided the enemy. If a boy mysteriously disappeared, of course the Jews had murdered him to procure blood for their Passover drink..." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 217)

1840. The Damascus Case: This case, now almost completely forgotten by Christianity, convulsed Europe for a considerable time owing to the agitation induced by the Jewish Money Power which left no stone unturned to misrepresent and vilify the individuals responsible for bringing the Jews to justice.

Achille Laurent, a Member of the Societe Orientale, brought together the full details of the trial of the culprits as reported in Arab newspapers at the time, and he published the hole facts of the case, (Relation historique des Affaires de Syrie, 1840-1842) which was produced in France as a Yellow book in two volummes, in 1846.

The Jews were preparing for the Purim feast which was to take place on February 15th 1840. On the afternoon of February 5th the Capuchin priest Thomas was sent for to attend a sick child. The preist was a great healer and physician. He was respected and loved as a saint. On his way back from the child he was invited by his friend the rich Jew Davud Arari to come to his home.

Father Thomas accepted. When he arrived the Jews immediately attacked, gagged and bound him up. They then dragged him into a secret room, and sent for the Jewish barber Soliman. The Pries was laid on a table and his head was held over a copper bowl. The barber seized theold priest by the beard, while the Jew Aaron Arari held his head, and his brother Davud Arari (the priest�s friend) slit his throat. The blood was collected in the copper bowl and filled the bottles.

Shortly afterwards the Priest�s servant Ibrahim Amara appeared in the Jewish ghetto. The Jewish Arari brothers, who were standing in front of the house, said to him: �Come on in, your Master is with us.� IbrahimAmara was butchered in the same way as his master Father Thomas.

The next day the priest was missed and a search was made for him. The barber Soliman was suspect due to papers which were found on him belonging to the priest. The French Consul, Ratti-Menton, under whom the priest had served, and the sheriff Pascha led the investigating. Soloman made a full confession and was convicted. Traces of blood were found and pieces of the priest and his servant�s body were found in the sewer. After this all the Jews that took part in the murder were arrested, and three of them confessed to the crime in detail.

They were Mourad el Fath�al, the gentile servant of Davud Arari, and the Jews Aslam-Farkhi and Monca Abou el Afieh. The latter was a rabbi. He confessed that he himself had carried the blood that had been collected in bottles to the Grand Rabbi Yakoub el-Antabi.

After a through investigation the three Jews who confessed were pardoned. Ten others who took part in the murder were sentenced to death. Their names were Davud Arari, Aaron Arari, Isaac Arari, the rabbi Bokhor Youda (called Salonikli), Mechir Farkhi, Mourad Farkhi, Aaron Stambouli, Isaac Picciotto, Yacoub Abou-el-Afieh, and Youcef Menakem Farkhi.

In the meantime the murder and trial was published by the press throughout Europe. Instead of Jewry condemning this savage murder, and demanding a thorough investigating and just punishment; it did the very opposite. Jewry joined with its racial comrades and gave them its complete support.

Collections were organized and 2 million francs were raised. The Jew Cremieux, who established the �Allianc Universelle Israelsit� (World Jewish organization) and who made the remark: �All Israel goes bail for each other,� led a large retinue to Mehemed Ali, the viceroy of Egypt. His retinue included the Jews Munck And Moses Montefiore. And, of course, the 2 million francs. Mehemed Ali let himself be bribed to issue the following order:

�Due to the suggestions of the gentlemen Moses Montefiore and Cremieux, who came to us as delegates of all European Jewry, we have recognized that they wish to see the liberation of the Jews who were arrested because of the disappearance of Father Thomas...As it would not be wise to refuse their request, due to their large population, we order that the Jewish prisoners be set free.�

Upon the gravestone, in arabic and Italian, was inscribed:

�Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin missionary, assassinated by the Jews, February 5, 1840.� (The transcripts of this trial are in the Paris Archive. The French Orientalist Achilles Laurent duplicated the transcripts and published them in his book: �Relation historique des affairesd de Syrie depuis 1840 jusqu�en 1842)

This trial proves conclusively that Jewry acknowledges and tolerates Ritual Murder. That it conceals Ritual Murder from the public and protects its criminals. The Jews by any method possible, without regard for the consequences will attempt to set Jewish criminals free; despite the fact they are guilty.

The Jews have proven in the case of Father Thomas that they are nothing more than a well organized gang of criminals and murderers. Several of the Jews, including Mourad el Fathal, Mousa Abou-el-Afieh, Isaac Arari and Aaron Arari, described how the blood was required and collected from the cut throat of the victim to send to a Rabbi for use in preparing ceremonial bread (pains azymes).

1843. Murders of Christian children by the Jews on Rhodes, Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L�Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris 1843)

1875. At Zboro, in the country of Saros in Hungary, several Jews attacked the 16 year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court president, Bartholomaus Wnkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was afraid to bring the criminals to justice. (M. Onody, Tisza)

1879. In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda)

1879. At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image-sellers killed a 6 year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made, and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers)

1881. At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881. In Steinamanger the eight year-old grand-daughter of a coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, evenda)

1881. In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Christian child called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child, discovered on the sea-shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the jews. The Baruch family, prime suspects of the murder, were arrested, but later released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881. In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern keeper Moses Ritter, and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife Gittel Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski. (Otto Glogau, der Kulturk, Heft, 128. 15, February 1886)

1882. At Tisza-Eszlar shortly before the Jewish Passover, the 14 year-old Christian Girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the girl was last seen near by the synagogue, suspicion was directed immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple servant Josef Scharf, 5 year-old Samuel and the 14 year-old Mortiz accused their father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered There. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882. At Galata, the ghetto of Constantinople, a child was enticed into a Jewish house where more than 20 people saw her go in. On the following day a corpse was found in the Golden Horn causing a great agitation among the Christian and Moslem population.

1882. A short-time later another very similar case in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community, sent a petition to the representatives of all the Christian European power at Constantinople so that justice might be done; but the Jews bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnaped and murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883. Once more a ritual murder in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper �Der Stamboul,� which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the jews 140,000 francs.

1884. At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of a 14 year-old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge. According to the doctor�s opinion, the dismemberments showed great expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered boy and been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however, were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released. (Otto Glagau, der Kulturkl, Heft 119, 15. Mai 1885)

1885. At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the Easter celebration.

1888. At Breslu in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24 year old rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic College, against a 7 year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy�s sex organ. After the Judge�s verdict Bernstein confessed:

�The Bible and the Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through innocent blood.�

Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a �Religious Maniac.�

1891. Xanten, Prussia: A five-year-old Christian boy called Hegmann was murdered, his throat cut and the body bloodless. "The Government did all in its power to suppress the rumor" of Ritual Sacrifice (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 645) The doctor who examined the boy said on June 29th that: "The trace of blood appears as an after-bleeding." And H. Nagyszokol.

1891. Murder of a 5 year-old robust boy of the Catholic cabinet maker, Hegemann, was found by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in the morning. He was seen by 3 witnesses being pulled into the house of the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899. The Polna Case (Bohemia): Agnes Hruza, 19 years of age, was murdered March 29th, 1899. On April 1st, her body was found in a wood with the head nearly severed from the body. In spite this frightful wound, there was no blood about, although the body itself, of course, was almost bloodless.

Three Jews, the junk-peddler Leopold Hilsner of Polna and his racial comrades Ebermann and Wassermann on March 26th 1899, (at the time of Purim) enticed the 19 year-old seamstress Agnes Hruza into the Brezin Forest near the town.

Her body was found April 1st, 1899. She was half naked and completely drained of blood. Her neck had a horrible gaping wound. Leopold Hilsner was arrested on suspicion of murder. A man called Peschak had seen a Jew Hilsner with two other Jews on the day of the murder on the spot where the body was found.

Hilsner was arrested and tried; another witness testified that he had seen the prisoner very agitated on March 29th, coming from the spot where the body was found. The court recognizing that Hilsner must have had accomplices, found him guilty and condemned him to death. He then confessed, and implicated two other Jews. (Cf �Der Sturmer�: �The Butchering of Agnes Kurza�)

He explained how he had chained the girl, with the help of the Jews Erbmann and Wassermann, and cut her throat. The blood was collected in a bucket. One of the helpers carried it away by train where it was used for ritual purposes.

Hilsner first made a confession to one of his fellow-prisoners, then to Inspector Miska, and then to the trial judge Baudisch. He repeated this confession over and over. The jury of Kuttenberg sentenced him to death by hanging. As in the case of Father Thomas the Jewish press began to rave and scream during the trial and demand that Hilsner be set free. However, their attack failed against the incorruptibility and integrity of the appeals court judge, Dr. Schneider. With a will of iron he conducted a completely impartial trial.

Hilsner and his Jewish lawyers appealed the sentence. The government, which was influenced by the press and bribed by Jewish money, granted a new trial at Piseck. During this new investigation it was discovered that Leopold Hilsner had committed a second Ritual Murder.

On July 17th,� 1898 he had butchered Marie Klima, a Christian girl, in the same way. Leopold Hilsner was tried for this murder. The jury in Piseck confirmed the Kuttenberg death penalty. However, Jews have a powerful and strong arm. It reached out to protect the endangered racial comrade. The government (Kaiser Franz Josef) commuted this Ritual Murderer�s sentence to life in prison.

This, however, was not the end of this extraordinary case. In 1918, Marxist Jews under the leadership of the Jews Viktor Adler, otto Bauer, and Julius Dutsch revolted. The Jews remembered their comrade Hilsner.

The prison doors were opened to him and the murderer and human butcher was joyously greeted and put into a Jewish old folks� home. Several years later he died and was buried in an honorary grave in Austria at the �Central Israelite Cemetery.�

In this case, which was proven beyond a doubt, the Jews proved themselves to be in support of Ritual Murder. Yes, besides that it honored the criminal. Once again Jewry proved itself to be nothing but a gang of organized criminals.

1900. Konitz, West Prussia: A 19-year-old Christian youth, Ernst Witnter, was bestially murdered in March. Two days later pieces of his� dismembered body was fished out of the Monchsee; almost five days later on April 15th, the first Easter holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The corpse was completely bloodless.

Winter was ritually murdered. The murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish butcher, Mortiz Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for their visit.

Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel, Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisendtedt from Prechlau and Rosenblum from Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the murder. The culprits were never discovered, but two Jewish agents were sentenced to imprisonment for false witness and for the subornation of witnesses during the enquiry. (Jewish Encyclopedia); and B. Nachod. (UJE)

1911-13. Kiev, Russia: In 1911 a 13-year-old Christian boy's body was found at Kiev on March 12th. After eight days his corpse was found in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard.

A Jew named Beiliss was arrested on suspicion. The case did not come to trial until two and a half years later (September 29th to October. 28th 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were made to lead the investigating officers on the wrong track. Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused, lurking in the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson in Ljubovitschi, leader of the �Sadiks� (�Saints�) of the Chassidim sect, who was the spiritual director of the murder.

It was proved that the murder took place inside the premises of a Jewish brick factor to which only Jews had access. This factory contained a Jewish hospice with a secret synagogue attached. After long-drawn-out preliminaries, Beiliss, who was proprietor of the factory, was tried; the jury found that there was no proof that he himself was the culprit, although half of them considered he was; the verdict therefore having to be unanimous, he was declared Not Guilty.

But the jury agreed as to the cause of the boy's death; their verdict about this was as follows: "The boy after being gaged, was wounded with a perforating instrument in the nape of the neck, temples and neck, which wounds severed the cerebral vein, the left temporal and jugular arteries, producing thus profuse hemorrhage; and afterwards, when Joutchinski (the boy's name) had lost about five glasses of blood, his body was pierced with the same instrument, lacerating thus the lungs, the liver, the right kidney and the heart, where the last wounds were inflicted, in all 47 wounds, causing acute suffering to the victim and the loss of practically all the blood of the body, and finally death."

However, the trial ended with the release of Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost all of the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror. (Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozesses enthalten �Hammer� Nr. 271, 273, 274, 275, Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1917. "The Red Terror became so wide‑spread that it is impossible to give here all the details of the principal means employed by the [Jewish] Cheka(s) to master resistance; one of the most important is that of hostages, taken among all social classes. These are held responsible for any anti‑Bolshevist movements (revolts, the White Army, strikes, refusal of a village to give its harvest etc.) and are immediately executed. Thus, for the assassination of the Jew Ouritzky, member of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd, several thousands of them were put to death, and many of these unfortunate men and women suffered before death various tortures inflicted by cold‑blooded cruelty in the prisons of the Cheka.

�I have in front of me photographs taken at Kharkoff, in the presence of the Allied Missions, immediately after the Reds had abandoned the town; they consist of a series of ghastly reproductions such as: Bodies of three workmen taken as hostages from a factory which went on strike. One had his eyes burnt, his lips and nose cut off; the other two had their hands cut off. The bodies of hostages, S. Afaniasouk and P. Prokpovitch, small landed proprietors, who were scalped by their executioners; S. Afaniasouk shows numerous burns caused by a white hot sword blade. The body of M. Bobroff, a former officer, who had his tongue and one hand cut off and the skin torn off from his left leg.

�Human skin torn from the hands of several victims by means of a metallic comb. This sinister find was the result of a careful inspection of the cellar of the Extraordinary Commission of Kharkoff. The retired general Pontiafa, a hostage who had the skin of his right hand torn off and the genital parts mutilated.Mutilated bodies of women hostages: S. Ivanovna, owner of a drapery business, Mme. A.L. Carolshaja, wife of a colonel, Mmo. Khlopova, a property owner. They had their breasts slit and emptied and the genital parts burnt and having trace of coal.

�Bodies of four peasant hostages, Bondarenko, Pookhikle, Sevenetry, and Sidorfehouk, with atrociously mutilated faces, the genital parts having been operated upon by Chinese torturers in a manner unknown to European doctors in whose opinion the agony caused to the victims must have been dreadful.

�It is impossible to enumerate all the forms of savagery which the Red Terror took. A volume would not contain them. The Cheka of Kharkoff, for example, in which Saenko operated, had the specialty of scalping victims and taking off the skin of their hands as one takes off a glove...At Voronege the victims were shut up naked in a barrel studded with nails which was then rolled about. Their foreheads were branded with a red hot iron FIVE POINTED STAR. At Tsaritsin and at Kamishin their bones were sawed...

�At Keif the victim was shut up in a chest containing decomposing corpses; after firing shots above his head his torturers told him that he would be buried alive. The chest was buried and opened again half an hour later when the interrogation of the victim was proceeded with. The scene was repeated several times over. It is not surprising that many victims went mad." (S.P. Melgounov, p. 164‑166; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 151‑153)

1926. The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The gentials were missing. The Jewish butcher was believed to be the culprit. He disappeared without a trace.

1928. The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the night of the 22nd-23rd March, 1928. In the morning, the blood drained corpse lay in front of his parents� home. (Cf. �Der Sturmer�)

On the night of the 22nd to the 23rd of March (it was the time of the Purim Festival) a shocking murder happened in Gladbeck, Westphalia. The young 20 year old Helmuth Daube had passed his final exams in high school. He celebrated this event on the evening of March 22nd. He left for home at two o�clock in the morning.

At five o�clock his parents found him lying dead in the street in front of his house. His throat had been cut down to his spine and his genitals had been removed. There was almost no blood found. The hands of the unfortunate youth were hacked to pieces and his abdomen showed several knife wounds.

There was no doubt that this was a case of Ritual Murder. The experts stated in court that the throat wound was an artistically performed cut that went in a circular form from ear to ear. It is very possible that Helmuth Daube was circumcised before the butchering. (There are Ritual Murders who circumcise their victims before the butchering)

Since the circumcision would have proven that Ritual Murder had been committed, the genitals of the victim were completely removed. The Jewish press distracted the public�s attention from this Purim murder and wrote that it was a sex murder.

It directed suspicion toward the young friend of Daube, Huszmann. The prosecution of this case was conducted by the public prosecutor Rosenbaum, a Jew! Huzzmann was indicted. The investigation was not carried out by the Gladbeck police, but instead detectives were sent from Berlin. They were under the command of the Jewish police commissioner Dr. Bernhard Wiess. Of course they did not find a Ritual Murder, but found that it was a sex murder.

When the trial came up, the Jewish press from all over Germany appeared. The trial proceeded under their control. The public prosecutor Rosenbaum made himself and the entire court look ridiculous with his charge against Huzsmann. One exposure fallowed the other, but he maintained the accusation regardless. An acquittal naturally followed.

The fact was: Due to the numerous Jewish editors present, no one dared to speak of Ritual Murder. Only the Bochumer Abendblatt in its edition No. 251 noted the similarities between this case with the Ritual Murder of the schoolboy Winter in Konitz. Der Sturmer wrote about this Ritual Murder and explained that from this point of view the case was completely understandable. This issue was confiscated and banned; its editors were prosecuted and sentenced to prison. The Ritual Murderer of Daube was never prosecuted and was left walking around free.

1928. The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before Passover. (Cf. �Der Sturmer�)

1928. Gladbeck, Germany: This occurred at the time of Purim; a twenty-year-old Christian lad called Helmuth Daube was found dead in front of his home, with his throat cut, his genital organs missing, whilst there were wounds on the hands and stabs in the abdomen.

There was no blood about where the body was found and it was bloodless. Experts said in Court that the throat showed the Jewish ritual cut. The Jews set to work and eventually a young Gentile called Huszmann was accused of the murder, unnatural lust being alleged as a feature in the crime.

The case was conducted against Huszmann by a Jew called Rosenbaum, and special police had been sent from Berlin to enquire about the circumstances; the President of the Police at Berlin was the Jew Bernhard Weiss. These special police did what they could to convince the Court that it was a "lust-murder," but Huszmann was acquitted. The Bochumer Abendhlatt and Der Sturmer both gave their opinion that it was a Ritual Murder by Jews, and the latter paper was suppressed for a time, and its editor imprisoned. Y. Petrovo Selo and N.Y. Massena. (UJE)

1929. G. Manau, Bamberg, Memel, Vilna and Greece. Salonika, Kovno. Lithuania. and others.

The Ritual Murder of Manau: In Lower Franconia, near Hofheim, lies the village of Manau amid lovely countryside. Here is where the Kessler family lived. They were humble people with four children. The youngest was the little boy Karl Kessler. He was a lively, well-developed, blond-haired five year old boy. On March 17th, 1929, at five o�clock in the afternoon, Karl Kessler walked down the road towards Walchenfeld where his sisters were celebrating the end of the school term.

From that moment on he was never seen alive again. He did not come home in the evening. The village became alarmed, and then his body was found in a small wooded area not far from Manau. It was fully-clothed and had one large wound, a deep incision in the neck which had severed the artery. From the broken branches lying around it was evident that the boy had put up a struggle.

The knife had been used several times. Near the throat artery smaller stab wounds were found. Also a light incision had been made across the throat from ear to ear. It looked exactly like a ritual cut except that it was only skin deep. The murderer had committed Ritual Murder symbolically, then, like a Ritual Murder, caused the victim to bleed to death by slicing the throat artery.

Technically it was a ritual slaughter in the �lawfully manner� prescribed by the Jewish law of Human Sacrifice. The child�s body was completely drained of blood. On the right thigh and right forearm there were marks of where pressure had been applied. This indicated that the boy must have been held upside down for a while to insure that he bled to death quickly. There was no blood found at the scene of the murder. It had been curried away. All these clues proved: That Karl Kessler was the victim of a Ritual Murder. Also the killing occurred just before Passover. It was suspicious that the day after the murder a Jewish butcher from Hofheim disappeared forever.

The body of Karl Kessler was examined by the coroner, Dr. Burgel of Bamber. After noting the characteristic marks he stated: �We are dealing here with a Ritual Murder.� The entire populace was of the same opinion. �A child murdered before Passover; the throat cut through, the blood drained, the Jews had done it!� This opinion spread like wild-fire throughout the entire region. An intense bitterness and animosity seized the community. The crime was take up by Der Sturmer, meetings were held by the National Socialists, and Jewish feelings made tremendous strides.

Immediately all of Jewry began to howl. They began to agitate within their political parties, and send delegates from one official to the next. The government (Bavarian National Party) was threatened by the Jews. It promptly took action. The police, the court, and the public prosecution all received similar instructions. The public prosecutor�s office was forced to issue a statement saying that the case was not one of Ritual Murder, even though the proceedings were still pending and the facts were not all clear. Teachers were given orders to instruct their children that Ritual Murder did not exist and belonged in the realm of fantasy.

The affair came up in the diet. The Culture Minister Goldenberger (Bavarian National Party) intervened on behalf of his �Jewish national comrades� with suspicious fervor. In Wurzburg the �Central Organization of German Socialists of the Jewish faith� held mass meetings and invited the National Socialists to debate. It was broken up by them. Throughout the nation the Jews wrote newspaper articles until they had writer�s cramp. In one of those articles the Berlin police President, Dr. Bernhard Weiss, called the editor of Der Sturmer, Julius Streicher, an �evil instigator.� In all the newspapers large amounts of space were bought to run �declarations.�

One of them ran:

�Public Declaration, The loathsome crime of the child murder at Manau is again giving unprincipled instigators the welcomed opportunity to spread among the populace the tale of Ritual Murder, branded countess times as a lie.

�This infamous charge was raised equally unjustified against the Christians in the first centuries of Christianity, just as it is now raised against the jews. We feel it a disgrace that Judaism is forced to defend itself against such a scandalous charge which must appear to even the most superficial reader of the Bible as a deception based on hatred.

�Herewith we declare most solemnly: �The sources of Jewish teaching, especially the Talmud, contain no word which could even remotely be interpreted in the sense of this devilish accusation. Also no sect or �tribe� of any kind, as maintained in anti-Jewish statements, has ever advocated such an hideous doctrine or been guilty of such a deed.

�This solemn declaration is fully endorsed by the fundamental works of the most important Christian scholars, of the Catholic priest Dr. Frank of Konigshofen, and the Protestant Professor and Privy Councillor Strack of Berlin.

�The Ritual Murder lie is a product of dark hatred, a defamation of our faith which we repudiate with the deepest indignation. We are prepared to prove the truth of this declaration against all defamers before every court.�

�The Governing Committee of the Bavarian Rabbinical Conference Rabbi Dr. Fruedenthal, Nuremberg; Rabbi Dr. Stein, Schweinfurt; Rabbi Dr. Baerwald, Munich; Rabbi Dr. Hanover, Wurzbburg; Rabbi Dr. Solomon, Bayreuth; Rabbi Dr. Wohlgemuth, Kitzingen; and District Rabbi Dr. Ephraim, Burgpreppach.�

Der Sturmer replied to this declaration. It was confiscated and banned. The laughable adore of the Jewish government of that time and certain bureaucratic creatures went so far, that a high court judge explained to the press:

�The acceptance of a Ritual Murder is absurd and ridiculous. The boy most likely accidentally hit a tree-branch (The stab wound was 12 inches deep!) or was attacked by a hungry deer.� (Thus the high court judge, to please the Jews, excluded the deer from the species herbivores and ranked it under the carnivores and beasts of prey! Besides, in March the deer do not have antlers (with which Kessler�s throat was supposed to have been pierced), but only a very sensitive and soft, so called �bast.�

The �child murder of Manau� passed, as was expected, into obscurity. The perpetrators were never found. Unatoned, the spilled blood screamed heavenward.

1932. Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderborn on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood. The Jew Mortiz Meyer was convicted and received 15 years in prison. (Cf. �Der Sturmer�)

In Paderborn, Martha Kaspar was the Christian servant in the home of the Jewish butcher Moritz Meyer. She was an honest and hard-working peasant girl. The old Jew Meyer (about 60 years old) had a son Kurt Meyer, 24 years old. One day he attacked the unsuspecting girl in the hay-loft and raped her. He sneaked into her small room, which could not be locked, whenever he felt like it. Martha Kaspar became pregnant and demanded that the Jew Kurt marry her.

She, of course, was not aware that while the Talmud permits the Jew to use the non-Jewess as he pleases, it strictly forbids him from marrying them (although, today there are many Jewish men marrying Christian women in spite of the Talmuds commandments - much to the sorrow of the Christian woman, when she learns the truth about the Jews; at which time she is usually killed by a Jewish doctor and her death is listed as natural causes, drugs, and etc.). To keep her quiet, the Jew Kurt Meyer promised to marry her, but secretly father and son decided to murder the troublesome girl. It appeared that they made the necessary arrangements with the local Jewish �Masters.�

The Purim Feast was approaching. Then one morning Martha Kaspar disappeared. This was on March 18th, 1932. Six days later on March 24th, 1932 the Feast of Purim took place. Early on the morning or March 18th the girl was seen in the courtyard. She had been ordered by the Jew to sharpen a knife. While she was sharpening the knife she said to the neighbors: �A calf is going to be butchered here today.� She was never seen again.

It struck the neighbors odd that Martha Kaspar was not to be seen anymore. They discussed it among themselves and the rumor spread all over Paderborn: �Martha Kaspar was butchered by the Jews.� It was reported to the police that she was �missing,� but they didn�t search the Jew�s house. However, the disappearance of the girl was brought to the public�s attention in the most shocking manner. A young couple went for a walk outside Paderborn on Sunday, March 20th, 1932. In the middle of the road they found a piece of meat. Upon closer inspection they discovered that IT WAS THE GENITALS, WHICH HAD BEEN EXPERTLY REMOVED, FROM A FEMALE BODY. (The same as with Helmuth Daube)

It appeared that it had been purposely placed there with the intention of leading the public to believe: �This is a sex murder.� The young couple reported their horrible finding to the police. Promptly the Jewish press began to cry that �Martha Kaspar was the victim of a sex murder,� and promptly the police fell for it.

The police began a thorough search of the house and discovered the blood-stained clothes of Kurt Meyer and traces of blood in the hay-loft. Kurt and Moritz Meyer were arrested. At first Kurt Meyer denied everything, but his mother demanded that he take all the guilt upon himself so that his father would be set free. So that the ain danger which faced the Jews could be avoided the father began to talk like a lunatic.

Due to constant pressure by the Jewish lawyer, Dr. Frank, he was put into an insane asylum and then set free. He immediately fled abroad (This acquittal was so shocking and unbelievable that one can only understand it if they knows that at this time the entire government and legal system was Jewish through and through) Moritz Meyer�s son then made his �confession.�

He claimed that he had �attempted an abortion,� and as a result Martha Kaspar had bled to death. He explained to the court that he had attempted this abortion without any instruments, and that he had done it several times to cows with success. Afterwards (because he was a butcher) he had dismembered the body.

In the meantime pieces of flesh were found everywhere. The Jew had cut Martha Kaspar into pieces of flesh which weighted about a pound each, and together with his father had scattered them throughout Paderborn. They were found in a small wood, in meadows, in willow stumps, in a pond, in a brook, in a sewer (same as Father Thomas), and in a manure pile! Her breasts, which had been sliced off, were found in the hay-loft. The Jew fed her intestines to the pigs!

The most peculiar thing was that no blood was found anywhere. A small pool of blood was found in the hay-loft and at most contained only a half pint. It turned out that all the pieces of her flesh were completely drained of blood. The police detectives and an expert German doctor testified during the trial that several quarts of blood had disappeared. One detective said that he believe it was carried away in bottles.

The trial lasted from September 13th until September 16th, 1932. Kurt Meyer sat shamelessly in the court room. In contrast to the Gladbeck murder trial the Jewish press was not represented, because this time, of course, a racial comrade was on trial. The big newspapers which had earlier carried large reports on their front pages about the trial of the Gentile Huszmann reported absolutely nothing abut the trial of the Jew Kurt Meyer. �All Israel goes bails for each other.�

It was established during the trial that the �confession� of the Jew about an attempted abortion was a lie. This was proven by the pieces of flesh that had been found. The Jew finally admitted tearfully that he had beaten Martha Kaspar to death in a �fit of rage.� The court accepted this second �confession� with gratitude. They were noticeably relived that the question of Ritual Murder had not arisen. The state prosecutor pleaded �murder,� and the court accepted �manslaughter.� Kurt Meyer was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

�It is incomprehensible to me why these murderous snorting beasts were not exterminated long ago. Would not wild animals who eat humans be killed at once, even if they resembled humans. And are the Jews anything else but voracious cannibals?� (Mirza Hassan Chan, Chaim. Hig. Bil. 3 (1689 n. Ch)

In reality the whole trial was a comedy which challenged the credibility of the judicial system. The murder of Martha Kaspar was obviously a Purim butchering. It was established that, shortly before the murder, people had gathered in secret at the Jew�s house, and then disappeared on the day of the murder. It was also proven that the old Jew Mortiz Meyer went to the Synagogue immediately after the murder. It is also known that the entire Jewish Meyer family left Paderborn and Germany shortly after the National Socialists were elected to power.

The truth in this case is as follows: Kurt Meyer together with his father and most likely other Jews (rabbis?) Butchered Martha Kaspar. He butchered her in the attic, her head was held over the trap-door by the Jews and her blood was collected in a bucket.

The two assistants carried the blood away and the old Jew went to the synagogue where he either reported the deed or prayed to his God Baal, Satan, Lucifer, or Devil. The body was then dismembered so that the ritual cut would not be discovered. In this trial too, Der Sturmer, pointed out that a Ritual Murder had taken place. The consequences of this action was: confiscation and banning of Der Sturmer, and the start of legal action against its editors.

The Jew Kurt Meyer accepted the judgment of the Paderborn jury with obvious enjoyment and gratitude. He did not appeal. The Supreme court, for its part, did the same. It approved the verdict at Paderborn and with that there was one more Ritual Murder which went unrecognized and unpunished.

Ritual Murder At Passover: Ritual Murder at the time of the Passover is similar in certain respects to the Purim feast. The Purim feast commemorates the day of the Persian murders, while the Passover commemorates the day when Christ was murdered.

At the Purim feast the Jews murder an adult Christian as a replacement for Haman, while at the Passover they murder an innocent Christian child as a replacement for Christ. Purim murder is usually a plain and simple butchering, but on the other hand the Passover murder is usually a torturous death. In both cases, however, the object is to obtain blood which is used for ritual purposes.

And both crimes occur out of a desire to murder and torture and from a hatred for Christians and non-Jews. The sacrifice, however, of a human being on Passover has existed, not only since the murdering of Christ; but is as old as the Jewish people themselves. For centuries it was their custom to sacrifice a lamb, a cock, or a monkey at this festival in place of a Christian human. The lamb is used as a substitute for an innocent Christian child.

Typical examples of Ritual Murder at Passover are: The Confession of The Jewess Ben Noud: Ben Noud, born in Aleppo, confessed to the Orientalist, Count Durfort-Civrac, that at the age of seven (in 1826) she traveled from Lattakia to Antioch, and there, while staying in a Jewish home she witnessed the Jews hanging two Christian children from the ceiling by their feet. One of the children was about five and the other around twelve years old.

Frightened by this spectacle, she ran to her aunt and told her what she had seen. The aunt laughed at her and explained that it was probably only two naughty boys being punished. To get her mind off of it, Ben Noud�s aunt sent her to the �Bizaar.� When she returned the two bodies had disappeared, but she noticed a brass vase on the floor, which the Arabs call �laghen,� completely filled with blood.

The Confessions of The Jew Emanuel of Genoa: As early as the year 1600 there were people who defended the Jews. They took the Jews under their protection and wrote books in their favor. Dr. Eck, a contemporary of Martin Luther, wrote in reply to these defenders of the Jews.

�The latter wrote a treatise in which he maintained that there was no such thing as Ritual Murder, and that a grave injustice was being done to the Jews. Dr. Eck�s book, written in reply to this, was entitled Ains Judenbuchlein Verlegung. It was printed by Alexander Weissenhorn at ingolstadt in 1541. In it Dr. Eck published a confession by a Jew who converted to Christianity.

�After a stint as consul at Damascus, Syria, where some years before, a Catholic priest was allegedly murdered in a blood ritual by Jews, Burton took an interest in the matter. His investigations satisfied him that such killings actually were performed by certain sects of Jews.

�The Jew's hand was ever, like Ishmael's, against every man but those belonging to the Synagogue. His fierce passions and fiendish cunning, combined with abnormal powers of intellect, with intense vitality, and with a persistency of purpose which the world has rarely seen, and whetted moreover by a keen thirst for blood engendered by defeat and subjection, combined to make him the deadly enemy of all mankind, whilst his unsocial and iniquitous Oral Law contributed to inflame his wild lust of pelf, and to justify the crimes suggested by spite and superstition.� (Sir Richard Francis Burton, 19th century British diplomat and writer)

Reference Materials